Главная » 2016 » Май » 10 » Scientific conference: Interdisciplinary Views on the English Language, Literature and Culture (Poland, December 1-2, 2016)
Scientific conference: Interdisciplinary Views on the English Language, Literature and Culture (Poland, December 1-2, 2016)

 English linguistics

Where linguistic theories and practices meet – towards a realistic picture of the English language

The Linguistic Section invites papers that reflect on and explore the role of the English language in modern society, with regard to its empirical and didactic implications. Its aim is to bring together a variety of theoretical framings and methodological approaches as well as other points of view and disciplines in an attempt to work out new solutions to existing problems. We would be happy if prospective speakers could consider theoretical and practical challenges posed by English as a broad subject of study. The most welcome areas of discussion and study include the following issues:

 theoretical and descriptive linguistics:

- interaction in and within the English language

- English in communication

- recent changes in the English language

- English in multicontextual approaches

- traditional and recent methodological approaches to the systemic study of English

- unsolved linguistic problems concerning the English language

applied linguistics:

 - recent developments in EFL teaching methodology

- EFL classroom and language awareness

- EFL contexts and: mother tongue use, translanguaging, bilingualism, multilingualism, …

- English in translation, interpreting and localization

- linguistic theories as solutions to realistic problems

 English culture

Notable figures of the past and their favourites’ influence upon the course of their countries’ history

The section of cultural and historical studies of the English-speaking countries aims at bringing together scholars and researchers who by presenting their current research being carried out, are willing to share new ideas as well as to exchange research results about Culture and History of the English-speaking countries, which focus on the theme of ‘Notable figures of the past and their favourites’ influence upon the course of their countries’ history.

 Cultural and historical studies as an interdisciplinary field and practice allow for the exploration of multiple histories and aspects of research. Yet, we would particularly welcome such contributions that would explore:

- how various cultural and ideological leaders/ politicians /notable figures of the past brought about different concepts of sexuality, the body, rights, and the like.

- to what extent female/male paramours and/or favourites of powerful and notable figures exerted their influence over the course of history of the English-speaking countries

- the role of notable figures of the past in shaping gender and human sexuality exemplified by their behavioural, social, historical, and cultural issues.

Potential areas of analysis listed above are just mere hints which are not limited. Therefore, any suggestions which fall within the scope of the above general theme are most welcome.

 English literature

Imagination and Truth: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literary and Non-Literary Modes of Representation

 Over the last decades, the problem of representation has become one of the most crucial issues in literary theory and criticism. Tom Wolfe’s plea in 1989 for a return to the realist novel not only met with little enthusiasm from his peers, but also had to face the question of whether realistic representation could be achieved in literature or any other medium in the first place. The New Journalism of the 1960s and 70s, in which Wolfe played a major role, had already challenged the notion of accurate or authentic accounts, introducing radical subjectivity and occasionally drug enhanced experiences. Postmodernism lost faith in the metanarratives, New Historicism blurred the line between history and literature, and Historiographic Metafiction dissolved the distinction between history and story, suggesting that different, conflicting and even contradictory accounts of historical events or processes may still be equally valid. Moreover, Jean Luc Godard’s statement that “cinema is truth, 24 times per second” has been countered by the claim that all photography is the construction of a reality rather than an authentic representation of the real. On the other hand, authors and critics alike have argued that there is truth in fiction or that the fantastic may allow a glimpse of what is otherwise ungraspable. In the words of Jeanette Winterson: “I’m telling you stories. Trust me.” Literature is involved in a challenge to the construction of imagined geographies (Said), imagined communities (Anderson), and imaginary homelands (Rushdie), all of which have a strong impact on reality. In the area of life-writing, theories increasingly emphasize memoirs as a genre that opens creative imaginational spaces, revealing deeper truths than those emerging from biographies and autobiographies.

We especially invite papers that present interdisciplinary critical analyses of literary representations which complement or challenge perspectives formulated by

 - historiography

- journalism

- media

- politics

- ideologies
Источник: http://www.science-community.org/ru/node/167578/?did=270416

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